Saturday, September 08, 2007

Woohoo Baby!

It's been a while. My computer broke in April. It has been on the to-do list to fix for some time. Meanwhile, I have missed blogging.
As you might know, I am pregnant with our third child. This has also contributed to some lethargy; it is remarkable to me how much physical energy it takes out of a woman to grow one of these things. Growing another human being! As if that doesn't sound science fiction. It was a wee bit of an "early" situation - about six months ahead of schedule on the list of events we'd planned for our life, but hey, #3 was a heartfelt wish anyway. We had to "work out" some faithless details on our parts - a two bedroom apartment, a scrape the bottom of the barrel each month budget, Nathan's Academic Year to Break Anyone's Spirit coming up with 70 hr. work weeks expected - and by "work out" I mean pray earnestly. We are happy and excited to welcome this new person into our family; we find out the gender this week. I think I had an epiphany when I imagined a friend telling me she was pregnant with #3 and she was nervous about how she would manage it financially and personally - and my response would be, I understand why you might be nervous, but you know and I know and the Lord knows it will all be just fine. The Ingalls lived comfortably with three children in a log cabin about 1/3 the size of my apartment. Families in India would fit 15 family members in a dwelling this size. So, when I am nervous about the size of my home, I think my Americanness is showing. How embarrassing!
One thing I know is true - children are a blessing from the Lord, nothing less.

One last thought. I don't usually plug products. But I recently purchased a pack of Big Red. It has been at least 12 years since I chewed Big Red. And I am here to tell you that if you're feeling blah and you need just a teensy bit of sparkle, get you some! It's zesty and it reminds you that you are too!


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